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Roundtable Discussion: Forced Organ Harvesting from Living People – Past, Present, Future

June 9th, 2022: A roundtable discussion on forced organ harvesting was held by Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting.

During the discussion, Professor Martin Elliott commented that the recent Advisory published by Global Rights Compliance provides important guidance for medical institutions to take responsibility and avoid complicity.

Russia is a terrorist state

Kalina: a Russian ground-based laser to dazzle imaging satellites

There is strong evidence that a space surveillance complex in Russia’s northern Caucasus is being outfitted with a new laser system called Kalina that will target optical systems of foreign imaging satellites flying over Russian territory. Initiated in 2011, the project has suffered numerous delays, but recent Google Earth imagery shows that construction is now well underway. Kalina will complement a mobile laser dazzler known as Peresvet that has been operational since late 2019.

Arm Ukraine now or face war on NATO territory, Khodorkovsky warns

If NATO does not seize its historic opportunity to stop Vladimir Putin in his tracks, it will face war on its own territory, long-time Kremlin opponent Mikhail Khodorkovsky has told Euronews.

Landser - Rock gegen ZOG

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Herzlich willkommen in meiner braunen Musik-Fraktion
Wir bringen mal wieder geistigen Sprengstoff zur Explosion
Bis an die Zähne bewaffnet mit schlazeug und E-Gitarren
Wir sind die Bombe in diesem Käfig voller Narren

Las atrocidades en la guerra de Ucrania tienen profundas raíces en el ejército de Rusia

En una fotografía del suburbio kievita de Bucha (Ucrania), una mujer está de pie en el patio de una casa, cubriéndose la boca con la mano en señal de horror frente a los cuerpos de tres civiles muertos esparcidos en el piso. Cuando Aset Chad vio esa foto, empezó a temblar y retrocedió 22 años en el tiempo.

Help Azov to de-blockade Mariupol / Помощь Азову на деблокаду Мариуполя


Mariupol has been surrounded since the fifth day of the war. All the elite units of the Russian Federation were sent to storm the city. And for more than a month, our guys, two heroes of Ukraine – the commander of the Azov regiment and the commander of the 36th Marine Brigade, the National Guard – have been heroically holding the defense of Mariupol.

Russians Raped 11-Year-Old Boy, Forced Mom to Watch: Ukraine Official

Lyudmila Denisova, the Ukrainian Parliament's Commissioner for Human Rights, alleged on Friday that Russian soldiers have raped children during the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

Polish PM calls the Bucha massacre 'genocide'

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Sunday that the killing of nearly 300 inhabitants of Bucha and other towns outside Kyiv was a genocide and should be punished as such, with everyone responsible in any capacity being brought before an international tribunal. He also called on the European Union to respond to Russian crimes by imposing radical and effective sanctions.

Hundreds of murdered civilians discovered as Russians withdraw from towns near Kyiv (GRAPHIC IMAGES)

As towns of Bucha and Irpin were retaken from withdrawing Russian forces, horrific photos and videos began to flow in.

Ruined houses, burned-down cars, and bodies of civilians scattered around the streets.

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